Get in touch.
Report a fault with your shelter or stop here.
See the list at the bottom of the page of things that are/not allowed in the shelters.
All Glossop`s shelters are monitored & given a basic clean every 2 to 3 weeks. Most also carry contact tags and other information. However if you see any damage, graffiti or other defacement, then please do contact us using this form. If there is a danger to life by the damage caused, report it immediately to the Police (on 101) & DCC.
What should be on/in the shelters..?
GAST have an agreement with HPBC, and an `understanding` with DCC whereby certain bus related items can be on or about Glossop bus shelters. If you see something NOT on the below list, please use this form to request a clean. Graffiti, or anything that could offend is aimed to be removed within a few days.
The list :
Official DCC/GRM timetable in a case (if provided).
GAST/Travel Derbyshire stop tag with QR to GAST tracking page.
GAST `post it here` tag.
Gamesley A4 timetable.
Move More bus map.
Mental Health campaign poster.
Bespoke QR code squares, where required.
Direction sign/bus service index (Henry Str).
61 & 257 timetables (Henry Str & Hayfield)